Indie Spotlight – Dragon Mage by ML Spencer
Indie Spotlight for Dragon Mage by ML Spencer
From the first sentence I was impressed. This is a well written book that flows very smoothly. Some books are just like they. They read easy. This book reads easy. This is my first ML Spencer book, but it won’t be my last.
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No spoilers but it’s in the book name. Dragons done well in a book are a treasure and a rarity. Spencer interprets Dragons in her world in an interesting way. I look forward to the next book in this series.
He is a good hero. He is gifted, yet reluctant at times. Aram endures a lot, as a good hero should. He shoulders those burdens believably. I really want Aram to win. There are also shades of autism that are handled really well. It is popular for fantasy authors to express mental health issues in their character of late and it often isn’t done well. It is believable because Spencer does a good job being subtle but clear.
It’s interesting and engaging. It is no surprise that she is a best seller in a couple categories on Amazon. The character growth drives this story story. For my non-writer friends; it’s fun, easy to read, and very enjoyable.
I am going to play this note one more time. The editing was superb. The voice is consistent throughout, for instance. The pacing is also very good. A professional edited this book.
Overall, I recommend this book. You can read Dragon Mage on KindleUnlimted or buy it from Amazon. You can find ML Spencer on Facebook.
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