A Bad Book Review – The Operator by Craig Martelle

The OperatorThe Operator isn’t fantasy. Let’s get that out of the way. This  is a good book. I don’t read a lot of thrillers but I got The Operator cheap and gave it a try. It was fantastic.

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From the first paragraph I was interested in Ian Bragg. The pacing was very tight and I kept turning pages. I read this book more quickly that I expected to.

Nothing new. The Operator doesn’t bring new ideas or gadgets to a well established genre. It uses those devices well. Ian Bragg knows the tools of his trade, and so does Craig Martelle. Martelle has done his homework.

The pacing is very tight. Short, direct sentences, yet the author provided plenty of details. The main character is decisive and direct. At times, I thought of Jack Reacher.

Craig Martelle is a great banner man for Indie Authors. I would put The Operator on the shelf next to Lee Child or James Patterson. The Operator is the first book by Martelle that I’ve read, but I was impressed. Indie Authors often under-edit or overwrite but Martelle is a professional. I will read more of his work.

You can find more information about The Operator and Craig Martelle on his site and be sure sure to visit his Amazon Author Page.

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